Saturday, February 04, 2006

Online Dating in a Nutshell

Take any one online dating site and look up one city. There can be 100s of locals listed.

But all those guys can be lumped into a few small categories. Let's look at some of those groups.

1) Recently Divorced with Kids: He's all like: "I've been out of the dating scene for a while. I love my kids. Here's a picture of me with a beer. I'm hip. I'm cool. I'm laid back." He's usually in his early to late 40s and sends "smiles" to all the 20-somethings on the site.

2) Shyness Issues Boy: He would never approach a girl in "real life," but online dating lets him sit back and let the dates come to him.

3) Buff, Bleach-Blond Hair Boy - These boys are processed cheese. The cookie-cutter pretty boys. You've seen one. You've seen them all. They lack in real personality. And since they have an image to maintain, do not apply unless you are a tall, attractive cookie-cutter blond.

4) "I'm just here to see what's out there, but not looking for a relationship" Player - Enough said. Stay away from him, the "he used to date my cousin and he cheated on her" types.

5) "No real concept of what I look like" Guy - Some people say they are muscular, fit or average in their profiles . . . and in reality . . . not so much. I like these people who are honest and tuned into reality.

These are just some of the online dating categories. Aren't stereotypes fun? And yes, the same categories can apply to girls.

Oh sure, there are guys online that fall into the nice guy, keeper categories. But who wants to make fun of them?


Kelly said...

Thanks pghcitiboy. On a whim, this weekend, I stuck a toe in the online dating pool.

I've gotten a few responses. To tell you the truth, it's a little scary. I'm trying very hard not to delete my profile and give it up.

I'm trying to give it a chance. But, at the same time, I'm not ready to leap into the water to see if I can swim.

Kelly said...

Yes. The messages I have got are from men who are too old for me. Or they are recently divorced with kids. Or they are into something I am deeply opposed to... like hunting.

Kelly said...

Well there is something silly about city men who feel the need to go out in the bush, drink beer and stalk prey.

Why deal with the blood and guts when meat comes pre-packaged in a store?

I can't even kill insects, even when they are biting me.

I would be like Phoebe on the TV show Friends when she dumped her serious boyfriend after he shot a bird in front of her.

I would be so angry, I would have to leave immediatly.

Kelly said...

P.S. I heard men like girls with big hands.