Thursday, February 23, 2006

Animal Attraction

When you meet a guy at a pet store and he's buying a big bag of dog food and you're buying a big bag of cat food, can the relationship really work out?

Clearly he's a dog person and you a cat person. Cats and dogs don't get along.

When there's a fundamental lifestyle difference or opinion should you still give the person a chance?

Should a non-smoker try to date a smoker? Can someone from the political left date someone from the political right? Should someone who wants to have kids date someone who doesn't?

These are the deal breakers.

Now a person can get rid of their cat or their dog. And a smoker can quit. But that's a long way to go for love, if it is indeed love.

And why give up a loyal pal, such as your cat, who has been with you through more boyfriends and break ups than you care to remember.

You and your pet are a package deal. Or are they?


James said...

I could never date a smoker, a dog person or an EWaC (Eventually Wants Children).

French Cafe said...

I've dated a smoker and I hate smoking. I've never dated anyone with pets and I don't have any, either.

If it doesn't drive me crazy and I am really into the guy (i.e., he's a good catch, a kind person), then I would try to work things out with him.

I prefer someone who's tolerant and flexible.

Lisa said...

When I moved in with my current roommate, her cat hated my dog. My dog loves everything...
Now, they lay around together.

Smoking is a horrible, disgusting habit. I know, as I've been attempting to quit completely for a few years. I think it would be great to have a relationship that makes you want to give up your bad habits... like smoking... or having a cat....
Ha! j/k about the cat... although I'm a dog person.

Jim said...

First, it could work. It all comes down to compromise and just working it out. It'll be frustrating, but opposites attract all the time!

And yes, a person and their pet is a package deal!

Anonymous said...

Being rightwing comes from being unloved, so a relationship should help solve that. Smoking is gross, but smokers in love are glorious. Kids are neither good nor bad. Cats are cool, but dogs got your back. A.Dub

So...Wise...Sista said...

Great question! A recipe for disaster, I say...unless of course it's true love. And I'm of the belief that we know very early on if it is. If it's not, then you're in for a rocky relationship, complete with quarterly break ups, and routine cuss outs. lol

Kelly said...

Coatman, I agree on all accounts.

Pink Oyster, smokers can tend to taste bad. I've dated a smoker too, I don't know if I can go there again.

MJ, it's good to hear the cat and dog worked out their differences. Maybe its easier for animals to do so than humans.

Well Jim, if you're complete opposites... I don't know... I think you need to have at least one thing in common for it to work. Maybe?

Emily, I've also broken up over that issue as well. Agreeing on location can definitely play a factor. And if you don't think a person is worth a move I guess it shouldn't be.

A. Dub, I agree on all accounts.

pghcitiboy, as you point out... we're all willing to compromise... but only to a point.

so wise sista, quarterly break ups, yep I know that one for sure... and to think I thought it was love. Perhaps we do need to feel love early on or it just ain't love.