Thursday, May 03, 2007

Proper Etiquette

If you're talking to a male co-worker who is blatantly staring at your chest and it's making you uncomfortable, how do you respond?

Do you say something?

Or do you cross your arms over your chest to not-so-discreetly say quit looking?

It's not a crime to look, or even blatantly stare. . . But girls do sometimes notice guys looking, and it can make us cringe, just a little, because it can be horribly inappropriate, such as in a work situation.


NotCarrie said...

Ha, You should crouch down and stare at his crotch.

Trouble said...

I usually say, "hey, there...I'm up here."

But it happens all the time, so I guess I'm used to it at this point. I only say something if it's egregiously obvious.

Single guy blogging said...

I have a friend that looks down along with him. As if to say "Oh, you looking at these? Yup, they are here and they are mine, jackass!"

Lisa said...

I would tilt my head to the side and crouch down a little bit to get his eye contact back... while smiling.
He should get the hint that he was busted.... get it, busted? ha!

Anonymous said...

I would profusely apologize that your tits are staring at his eyes.

Kelly said...

All good suggestions guys. Now if I actually had the guts to do what any of you suggested who knows what would happen.

Anonymous said...

I agree these are some great and daring ideas. What I do is depends sometimes I ignore and move away fromm that person, sometimes I click and ask him where are you, is something disturbing you....... actually depends on my mood and the person who is in front of me.
But one thing I really don't understand why these guys do that? Don't they know that we are looking at them.

Kelly said...

Guys can be pretty clueless sometimes.