Thursday, April 26, 2007

Avoiding Johnny Appleseeds

There are countless men out there who would say flirting with women is like planting seeds.

Like a good farmer, a man doesn't just plant one seed fully expecting that one to survive all the bad weather and poor conditions of the land. Instead the man plants hundreds of seeds in hopes that a few will survive and flourish.

At the end of the growing season, the man will have several plants he can eat. And when those plants are all gone, he can plant some more seeds.

Well, women are not seeds.

I don't like being one of several woman a man is planting his interest in.

If a man is truly worthy of my respect, I should really be the only person he is interested in.

Because in the words of Saturday Night Live's Stuart Smalley: "I'm good enough, smart enough, and - doggone it - people like me!"

And if a guy can't see that, and wants to write me off as one of many generic seeds he is trying to plant, then good riddance.

I demand to stand on a pedestal because I am worth it.

But with such a demand like that I'm going to be single for a long, long while.


Lisa said...

Ha! I think it's cool if a girl is one of many seeds... as long as she doesn't know it! If it is in men's genetic makeup to 'plant' so many 'seeds,' then there's no hope for us romantics.

Jeez, I just wish I could find ONE guy worth gardening with... rather than multiple...

James said...

Um, don't women do that, too? One can't really expect flirting monogomy. Exclusivity requires a degree of commitment from both sides.

And nobody deserves to be on a pedestal: only relationships in which there is true equity between the partners can really flourish.

Anonymous said...

Yes, you're rather out-of-touch if you think it's all a one-sided male tendency to "plant seeds". God, what do you think female empowerment is all about? -Fez

Kelly said...

Let's get one thing straight. Women can flirt with many guys at once too. Even before women's empowerment Fez.

But I write this blog largely from the female perspective. And being out of touch is all relative Fez.

I do believe in flirting monogomy Coatman.

"If you chase two rabbits you will lose them both."

And if you are chasing two girls it's basically like saying. "Yeah, I just want a girlfriend. Either of you will do."

It kind of sounds disrespectful to the women involved and totally unromantic.

Girls like romance.

And everyone deserves to be put on a pedastool Coatman - which means they are cherished, respected and adored. Opposed to being thrown in the junk drawer.

When two people can respectivly put each other on a pedastool than that is true equity and that partnership will really flourish.

Kelly said...

Yeah, I know pgh. But I can't say I like it either.